Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 54

So I took the test, and I got this

Introverted (I) 51.61% Extroverted (E) 48.39%
Intuitive (N) 67.86% Sensing (S) 32.14%
Thinking (T) 65.63% Feeling (F) 34.38%
Perceiving (P) 56.25% Judging (J) 43.75%

Your type is: INTP

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.

I don't know how useful this was to me, but it did show that I'm consistent with my responses. A few weeks ago in math, we took a similar 4 question long personality test, and I got the same exact results.
However, what caught my attention was how close introverted and extroverted were. I guess I'm more aware of my surroundings then what I had initially thought, and not just in an analytical manner.
For perceiving vs judgment, I thought the results would be a bit farther apart then what they are. I thought I usually just went with what I had to work with, but apparently this does not seem to be the case.

As for what Andy mentioned in class about personality tests being a fancier horoscope, I feel that I kind of agree to an extent. Unlike horoscopes, which are based on celestial activity, personality tests actually make a person open up a bit to see what they're like, so personality tests could potentially be more accurate then a horoscope. But that's just me, I guess. Maybe personality tests really are like horoscopes, where they coincide with some people, and go completely astray with others. I remember being amazed with how close some of my horoscopes have been, and I also remember thinking how ridiculously wrong they were at other times. Maybe I haven't taken enough personality tests just yet to see this.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homework 53 - survey analysis

Part 2
Taking the survey was a pretty interesting experience. It made me catch myself on things where I was pretty weak at, and made me kind of nervous. Yup, contrary to popular belief, I'm pretty soft deep down. Just about a few certain things, so no one's really seen it, but that soft spots there. Anyways, I pushed through anyway.

A lot of the questions I ended up hesitating on were the ones that kind of made me dig deep down to the real me who's been buried under a bunch of different personalities. Particularly, a lot of the short response questions. I kind of just avoided them completely since I felt really awkward, despite the survey being completely anonymous.

I would just look at these questions, and I really had no idea how to answer them. I wasn't sure which mask's point of view I should answer them from. And it made me realize, I'm completely unstable, I don't even know which mask most closely represents the real me.

Well that's it... I think

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48, yup, I skipped 23 HW's

I have an idea for an awesome movie

I think it should start with my groups initial plan, where some kid is getting bullied in the hallway, and then I make a heroic entrance, to save the poor kid from the cruel fate that originally awaited him. With some humor added of course. After I save the poor kid, and have my 5 minutes of fame, we can switch to the super teachers story. We could use some sort of transition branching out from my part, like the teacher yells at the bullys or something and enlightens them about the dark path that they're following, and how it won't get them anywhere. Then, in the classroom the teacher must compete against the students wild savagery.

The students will act like they don't care about anything, and they just want to have fun, and not care about the consequences. The teacher will enter the classroom and get hit by a paper ball, and get pointed at and laughed at. The teacher will begin with the typical crap, like writing his name on the board and try to get their attention by being kind, but he will not succeed. Then, he will take a more drastic approach to get their attention. The scene will change to the super teacher watching other super teacher movies, and him taking notes and practicing and stuff. Then, the teacher will use one of the techniques he learned in these movies to get the students attention. He will step down to their level, and grab their attention by teaching them some sort of combat techniques like he learned from one of the movies. Then, he will begin to relate to them and understand them, rather then teaching them stuff they don't want to learn. Just like he's seen in the movies. However - the students still don't care! The students have also seen these movies, and they know these tricks already, and they refuse to submit.

This movie will follow Andy the new super teacher, in his journey to gain respect and control. What does his future hold for him? Only time will tell, and we shall know if you decide to pick my movie! Yes, we, I'll have to make it up some more as I go