Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48, yup, I skipped 23 HW's

I have an idea for an awesome movie

I think it should start with my groups initial plan, where some kid is getting bullied in the hallway, and then I make a heroic entrance, to save the poor kid from the cruel fate that originally awaited him. With some humor added of course. After I save the poor kid, and have my 5 minutes of fame, we can switch to the super teachers story. We could use some sort of transition branching out from my part, like the teacher yells at the bullys or something and enlightens them about the dark path that they're following, and how it won't get them anywhere. Then, in the classroom the teacher must compete against the students wild savagery.

The students will act like they don't care about anything, and they just want to have fun, and not care about the consequences. The teacher will enter the classroom and get hit by a paper ball, and get pointed at and laughed at. The teacher will begin with the typical crap, like writing his name on the board and try to get their attention by being kind, but he will not succeed. Then, he will take a more drastic approach to get their attention. The scene will change to the super teacher watching other super teacher movies, and him taking notes and practicing and stuff. Then, the teacher will use one of the techniques he learned in these movies to get the students attention. He will step down to their level, and grab their attention by teaching them some sort of combat techniques like he learned from one of the movies. Then, he will begin to relate to them and understand them, rather then teaching them stuff they don't want to learn. Just like he's seen in the movies. However - the students still don't care! The students have also seen these movies, and they know these tricks already, and they refuse to submit.

This movie will follow Andy the new super teacher, in his journey to gain respect and control. What does his future hold for him? Only time will tell, and we shall know if you decide to pick my movie! Yes, we, I'll have to make it up some more as I go

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