Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 25

I responded to these storys:
Theres like a million responses because some people posted on my story after I had done my HW, so it was only fair to respond back to them as well, so extra credit for me? =)
All though honestly, I did enjoy reading the storys, so don't think I was just in it for the extra credit or something

Andy Snyder:
I guess what made your character cool was his epic name, Bob

But in all seriousness, I liked the use of dialogue in your story. It sounded pretty realistic for the most part.

However, I'm a bit confused as to how exactly Bob was the cool character in this passage, and not the student.

Brandon Z:
That was a good story.

It was obvious how fake the character was, and when he finally realized that this fakeness wouldn't get him anywhere, besides being a total ass hole, he decided to drop the act.

In the end, he finally realizes that he was fine with how he used to be, and decided to not be a fake anymore. I particularly liked that ending part. It left an impact, and it seemed pretty realistic for the most part.

Your story seemed oddly short at first glance, but its actually pretty concise, and it gets right to the point.

It seems to portray the stereotypical idea of a cool person in a movie, who is between the ages of 17 and 22 or so

It also seems to be successful for him. Overall, its a good story.

That was a good story

I like how you used the technique of describing the setting in order to portray your message.

The character seems to be fake to herself during the beginning to get attention, but, towards the end, she realizes it isn't worth it, and decides to drop the act

Richard S:
I lol'd

At first I thought the story was going to be some weird parable about me, but it definitely wasn't half way into the first paragraph.

In all seriousness, it sounds like a typical "bad ass" in some other state sort of, and in my opinion you get the idea out, so good job on your story

Yazmin P
Hi, your hero here

I liked your story. It portrays that a cool person not only stands up to people's expectations, but also manages to be themselves, and do good with their abilities. Honestly, that may be something that is really hard to do for a lot of people, but its doable, and I think it is also worth looking up to

I liked your story.

From your story, I can see that being real to yourself is what ultimately matters. Seemingly, if you try to be fake, and not be yourself to just fit in, that makes you uncool.
Although I don't believe in coolness, I agree with you, that being yourself is what should matter most.

I liked your story, it seems to portray the typical cool guy from some love story or something.

From your story I see that for you, being cool is being the kind type sort of, and just going with the flow, not worrying too much about what might happen, which I guess is a nice way to live. Its sometimes good to not worry about what may happen, since it'll make you worry too much

Part 2

Overall, a definitive trend I saw in peoples story's was the idea of being authentically cool, and fake. Almost every time the character tried to change him/herself to fit in, it turned out that the character finally realizes that isn't what they wanted.

In the end after overcoming some sort of conflict, the supposedly loser kid actually ends up being the "cool" one, and even though he doesn't gain everyone else's respect, he/she definitely keeps his own honor, and stays true to his/her self. And penultimately, it seems that being real with yourself is the only thing that matters

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