Monday, November 2, 2009

HW 12

Feed appears to be an allegory of teenage life, however I do not feel it is completely accurate. If it is meant to show our current state of life, then it's off. The book tries to makes it seem almost as if everyone in the world has been taken over by a digital influence, when in reality, in our current time, it has not yet happened.

The book sort of shows what we will end up becoming if we keep following the path we're on, and it sort of shows it to an extremity as well. I honestly doubt every single person in the world is going to end up losing control of themselves, and be completely taken over by a machine. People will still have some free will deep down inside of them.

However, since the book is written as a tragedy, it could very well be our own tragedy its predicting. Its the worst possible scenario, which on the surface seems unlikely, but, if you look deeper into it, then you will see its not all that unlikely as it may seem.

If you look at your average teen, they'll be completely tranced out by some sort of electronic device, usually a phone of some sort. This is the beginning of this supposed tragedy. Eventually, more devices will step into our lives and slowly take us over completely.

This tragedy the book sets up might actually become our reality, and we won't look at it as a tragedy, but moreover a way of natural life.

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