Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23

Although this homework is supposed to explore cool, I am not too sure that is as simple.

Firstly, I wonder about the definition of cool, and what does it actually mean. And more importantly, is there even such thing as being cool, with all the conflicting definitions for it.

For example, some kid could be wearing the new style, and some other kid somewhere else could be wearing a punk rocker outfit, and they would both be considered losers and cool, depending on their location. This is one of many conflicting ideas of being cool.

I feel that being cool is more of a strongly opinionated, and really over rated concept for being accepted.

Personally, I don't think I'm "cool". Actually, I know I'm not. However, some of my friends do think that I am. Honestly, I couldn't care less whether they think if I'm cool or not. I'm happy being able to know who I really am, instead of having to change in order to please other people, and get the cool title, which to begin with, makes no sense.

There are many kinds of "cool". There are too many to make cool an actual style and concept. Like I mentioned above, its just an over rated, strongly opinionated title.

I feel that people get the words "cool", "accepted", and "popular" really mixed up.

I feel the "cool" people are actually just accepted, but their not cool. Cool has to definite shape or meaning. No one can really be cool. They can also be popular. A lot of people know them, and they like to hang around the popular person. But it definitely isn't coolness that makes up most people. They just have a confused image of coolness, popularity, and acceptiveness.

That is my opinion

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