Friday, November 6, 2009

The big paper

We live in a world that primarily runs on some sort of digital representation. Even though people tend to use these tools for socially accepted stuff like texting your friends, or just to kill time, in my opinion, this digital stuff is slowly going to dumb down humankind eventually.

People will slowly begin to lead more simplistic and empty lives. Even though you could argue that your talking with your friends over the digital device your using, the problem is that your not actually interacting with them. Your interacting with a phone or a computer that plays the role of a messenger, and tells your friends the stuff you want to tell them.

That same messenger also tells you everything you want to know if you press the keys "" and then the keys that spell out what your searching, and your 3 mouse clicks away from knowing what you want without stepping out of your house.

Its simple interactions like these that have made the world easy for people, but it may be these very same things that will dumb people down to a point of complete dependence, and if the internet were to suddenly drop all over the world, almost everyone will be lost. It already sort of happens. Like for example, last month when people's phone's internet was dead, everyone who had a phone, and used it a lot found themselves lost, and confused. Sure, it wasn't at a maniatical extreme, but it was definitely getting there. In a few more years of dependency, people will really reach a chaotic state of mind because their internets dead.

In class, we have learned that digitilization will eventually take humankind completely over. People aren't obsessed with the digital items themselves, but moreover their penultimate utility. People enjoy talking to their friends, and phones allow them to do this at all times, while being somewhat sneaky about it. They don't need to actually talk, but rather, text each other through the use of a phone. As newer phones come out, more convenient ways to do this also come out, therefore strongly suggesting an almost necessary upgrade.

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