Thursday, November 19, 2009


Once upon a time, there was this kid who was cool.
And one day, he decided to skip school

^ Just kidding, heres my real story:

Bob was walking to school. Thoughts were rushing through his mind. He was planning out what he was going to do that day once they got to math class.

After some deep pondering, Bob made it to school, and then he waited out the day, waiting for math class.

At long last, it was time for math. Bob's mind was spinning with thoughts, mainly the consequences that would happen to him if his plan went wrong. He tried to not worry about it, and continued talking with some friends of his in class. He knew his plan would work.

The math teacher came in, and finally, it was time. Everyone went to their seats. Even Bob went to his seat too, something he would rarely do. He would usually just walk out of class, and come back whenever he wanted. His friends noticed he was actually listening to the teachers directions, and they smirked at him. Bob just rolled his eyes, and focused on his key objective.

Bob pulled out a small ball, the kind that's really bouncy. He aimed at the desk in front of him. Another kid sat there, a less accepted one. Bob thought to himself "what a loser, look at him doing his work"

Bob lunged the ball at his desk in a peculiar angle. It hit the spot Bob was aiming for. It bounced off the kids desk with a high amount of force. The ball also seemed as if it was flung from the kids hand. The ball soared through the air. Bob sat there, starting to get scared that his plan wasn't going to work. His classmates started staring. The pressure was building up on Bob

The ball soared through the air, and it kept gaining distance, and most importantly, height. The ball slammed into a light bulb above the teacher. The bulb shook a bit. Bob was now scared. "The buld wasn't supposed to shake", he thought, "its supposed to slam down on the teachers head!" he concluded.

The ball landed by the teachers foot, and he looked up. He demanded to know who threw the ball, and he was interupted by a loud shattering sound, and a thud before he could finish his question. He was down on the floor, with a somewhat deep cut in his skull, and glass shards all around him.

Bob thought to himself, "yes! I did it!"
When the teacher finally got up, he demanded to know who did that. Everyone pointed at the kid. Bob's friends pointed at him, since they enjoyed to watch him get in trouble. The neutral kids pointed at him too, since the ball appeared to have flown off his desk.

The confused kid was sent to the office immidiately, threatened by possible charges on him.

The teacher stepped out to make sure he wasn't going to run away, and while the class was left alone, Bob's friends high five'd him.

Bob however, wasn't all too proud of what he had done. He somewhat regretted what he did. But he wasn't going to take the blame for it, it would make him look weak and cowardly.

He potentially ruined a innocent persons life, just for his popularity. He didn't like the idea of it, but Bob always thought that it was either he was accepted, or hated.

That's not my idea of cool, really. I don't really believe in cool anyway
However, I tried to point out the blurred line between being "cool" and accepted, and being a straight up ass hole, and feared.

Even though the main character seemed to have been accepted by everyone, they actually feared him, since he was willing to do almost anything in order to feel liked.


  1. To Victor,
    I liked your story and the message that it put out. Overall, from your story, the idea I got was that people allow fear to get out of the way of our minds and replace it with the thought of Cool. I like the story itself too. Good Job.

  2. Night elf,
    nice story i am glad that you used the element of danger. Bob a white mans name which i also like because white people in in history generally have seemed to be superior. And it looks good to be in control. Also you made the point that weak and cowardly is uncool. I would classify this as a movie bully, and the kid getting hurt is the main character. I hope to read more of these.

  3. Hi hero,

    I liked how you pointed out that this was not your idea of cool because if it was I don't think you would be able to be my hero anymore. I enjoy your story line and the anticipation it built to get to the result. Your story is what most people think is cool I suppose because I know a lot of people that would do that.

  4. victor

    i thought that your story was really good and it pretty much shows that to get popular you have to do things that you really would never do and you have to act differently. which is true in some cases but it just depends who are you trying to impress

  5. Hi Victor. I like how you started with a really typical couple of fake lines to your story, then you started your real story. I liked your story because it was different from a lot of the other stories I've read so far. He seems like a complete jerk, but he seems like the popular guy that has to be a jerk. Before I had only read up to right before the glass smashing part, and I could already see him as being cool. You're story made me feel sad though, because he caused the teacher pain to seem cool. I still like your story overall though.


  6. To Victor S(section 4)

    Damn man your main character is not cool at all, he is a badass. But it was nice reading a funny story of how a kid tries to kill his teacher. You sort of have an idea of how your story is going. Your story is very different from a lot of other stories, you sure did put a lot of efforts into your story. Keep it up.

  7. victor.

    i like how you showed how the characters were peer pressured into doing things they didn't want to do but did it anyways, it showed how kids can be cool in another persons eyes but not feel comfortable with themselves.

  8. heyy i liked your story. i found it really funny. i think that this was good cus it is as if it could happen in real life in class. i think that this story takes a aspect of how us kids act and that we are very silly. and by being silly is one of the ways of being cool.
