Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 54

So I took the test, and I got this

Introverted (I) 51.61% Extroverted (E) 48.39%
Intuitive (N) 67.86% Sensing (S) 32.14%
Thinking (T) 65.63% Feeling (F) 34.38%
Perceiving (P) 56.25% Judging (J) 43.75%

Your type is: INTP

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.

I don't know how useful this was to me, but it did show that I'm consistent with my responses. A few weeks ago in math, we took a similar 4 question long personality test, and I got the same exact results.
However, what caught my attention was how close introverted and extroverted were. I guess I'm more aware of my surroundings then what I had initially thought, and not just in an analytical manner.
For perceiving vs judgment, I thought the results would be a bit farther apart then what they are. I thought I usually just went with what I had to work with, but apparently this does not seem to be the case.

As for what Andy mentioned in class about personality tests being a fancier horoscope, I feel that I kind of agree to an extent. Unlike horoscopes, which are based on celestial activity, personality tests actually make a person open up a bit to see what they're like, so personality tests could potentially be more accurate then a horoscope. But that's just me, I guess. Maybe personality tests really are like horoscopes, where they coincide with some people, and go completely astray with others. I remember being amazed with how close some of my horoscopes have been, and I also remember thinking how ridiculously wrong they were at other times. Maybe I haven't taken enough personality tests just yet to see this.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homework 53 - survey analysis

Part 2
Taking the survey was a pretty interesting experience. It made me catch myself on things where I was pretty weak at, and made me kind of nervous. Yup, contrary to popular belief, I'm pretty soft deep down. Just about a few certain things, so no one's really seen it, but that soft spots there. Anyways, I pushed through anyway.

A lot of the questions I ended up hesitating on were the ones that kind of made me dig deep down to the real me who's been buried under a bunch of different personalities. Particularly, a lot of the short response questions. I kind of just avoided them completely since I felt really awkward, despite the survey being completely anonymous.

I would just look at these questions, and I really had no idea how to answer them. I wasn't sure which mask's point of view I should answer them from. And it made me realize, I'm completely unstable, I don't even know which mask most closely represents the real me.

Well that's it... I think

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48, yup, I skipped 23 HW's

I have an idea for an awesome movie

I think it should start with my groups initial plan, where some kid is getting bullied in the hallway, and then I make a heroic entrance, to save the poor kid from the cruel fate that originally awaited him. With some humor added of course. After I save the poor kid, and have my 5 minutes of fame, we can switch to the super teachers story. We could use some sort of transition branching out from my part, like the teacher yells at the bullys or something and enlightens them about the dark path that they're following, and how it won't get them anywhere. Then, in the classroom the teacher must compete against the students wild savagery.

The students will act like they don't care about anything, and they just want to have fun, and not care about the consequences. The teacher will enter the classroom and get hit by a paper ball, and get pointed at and laughed at. The teacher will begin with the typical crap, like writing his name on the board and try to get their attention by being kind, but he will not succeed. Then, he will take a more drastic approach to get their attention. The scene will change to the super teacher watching other super teacher movies, and him taking notes and practicing and stuff. Then, the teacher will use one of the techniques he learned in these movies to get the students attention. He will step down to their level, and grab their attention by teaching them some sort of combat techniques like he learned from one of the movies. Then, he will begin to relate to them and understand them, rather then teaching them stuff they don't want to learn. Just like he's seen in the movies. However - the students still don't care! The students have also seen these movies, and they know these tricks already, and they refuse to submit.

This movie will follow Andy the new super teacher, in his journey to gain respect and control. What does his future hold for him? Only time will tell, and we shall know if you decide to pick my movie! Yes, we, I'll have to make it up some more as I go

Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 25

I responded to these storys:
Theres like a million responses because some people posted on my story after I had done my HW, so it was only fair to respond back to them as well, so extra credit for me? =)
All though honestly, I did enjoy reading the storys, so don't think I was just in it for the extra credit or something

Andy Snyder:
I guess what made your character cool was his epic name, Bob

But in all seriousness, I liked the use of dialogue in your story. It sounded pretty realistic for the most part.

However, I'm a bit confused as to how exactly Bob was the cool character in this passage, and not the student.

Brandon Z:
That was a good story.

It was obvious how fake the character was, and when he finally realized that this fakeness wouldn't get him anywhere, besides being a total ass hole, he decided to drop the act.

In the end, he finally realizes that he was fine with how he used to be, and decided to not be a fake anymore. I particularly liked that ending part. It left an impact, and it seemed pretty realistic for the most part.

Your story seemed oddly short at first glance, but its actually pretty concise, and it gets right to the point.

It seems to portray the stereotypical idea of a cool person in a movie, who is between the ages of 17 and 22 or so

It also seems to be successful for him. Overall, its a good story.

That was a good story

I like how you used the technique of describing the setting in order to portray your message.

The character seems to be fake to herself during the beginning to get attention, but, towards the end, she realizes it isn't worth it, and decides to drop the act

Richard S:
I lol'd

At first I thought the story was going to be some weird parable about me, but it definitely wasn't half way into the first paragraph.

In all seriousness, it sounds like a typical "bad ass" in some other state sort of, and in my opinion you get the idea out, so good job on your story

Yazmin P
Hi, your hero here

I liked your story. It portrays that a cool person not only stands up to people's expectations, but also manages to be themselves, and do good with their abilities. Honestly, that may be something that is really hard to do for a lot of people, but its doable, and I think it is also worth looking up to

I liked your story.

From your story, I can see that being real to yourself is what ultimately matters. Seemingly, if you try to be fake, and not be yourself to just fit in, that makes you uncool.
Although I don't believe in coolness, I agree with you, that being yourself is what should matter most.

I liked your story, it seems to portray the typical cool guy from some love story or something.

From your story I see that for you, being cool is being the kind type sort of, and just going with the flow, not worrying too much about what might happen, which I guess is a nice way to live. Its sometimes good to not worry about what may happen, since it'll make you worry too much

Part 2

Overall, a definitive trend I saw in peoples story's was the idea of being authentically cool, and fake. Almost every time the character tried to change him/herself to fit in, it turned out that the character finally realizes that isn't what they wanted.

In the end after overcoming some sort of conflict, the supposedly loser kid actually ends up being the "cool" one, and even though he doesn't gain everyone else's respect, he/she definitely keeps his own honor, and stays true to his/her self. And penultimately, it seems that being real with yourself is the only thing that matters

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Once upon a time, there was this kid who was cool.
And one day, he decided to skip school

^ Just kidding, heres my real story:

Bob was walking to school. Thoughts were rushing through his mind. He was planning out what he was going to do that day once they got to math class.

After some deep pondering, Bob made it to school, and then he waited out the day, waiting for math class.

At long last, it was time for math. Bob's mind was spinning with thoughts, mainly the consequences that would happen to him if his plan went wrong. He tried to not worry about it, and continued talking with some friends of his in class. He knew his plan would work.

The math teacher came in, and finally, it was time. Everyone went to their seats. Even Bob went to his seat too, something he would rarely do. He would usually just walk out of class, and come back whenever he wanted. His friends noticed he was actually listening to the teachers directions, and they smirked at him. Bob just rolled his eyes, and focused on his key objective.

Bob pulled out a small ball, the kind that's really bouncy. He aimed at the desk in front of him. Another kid sat there, a less accepted one. Bob thought to himself "what a loser, look at him doing his work"

Bob lunged the ball at his desk in a peculiar angle. It hit the spot Bob was aiming for. It bounced off the kids desk with a high amount of force. The ball also seemed as if it was flung from the kids hand. The ball soared through the air. Bob sat there, starting to get scared that his plan wasn't going to work. His classmates started staring. The pressure was building up on Bob

The ball soared through the air, and it kept gaining distance, and most importantly, height. The ball slammed into a light bulb above the teacher. The bulb shook a bit. Bob was now scared. "The buld wasn't supposed to shake", he thought, "its supposed to slam down on the teachers head!" he concluded.

The ball landed by the teachers foot, and he looked up. He demanded to know who threw the ball, and he was interupted by a loud shattering sound, and a thud before he could finish his question. He was down on the floor, with a somewhat deep cut in his skull, and glass shards all around him.

Bob thought to himself, "yes! I did it!"
When the teacher finally got up, he demanded to know who did that. Everyone pointed at the kid. Bob's friends pointed at him, since they enjoyed to watch him get in trouble. The neutral kids pointed at him too, since the ball appeared to have flown off his desk.

The confused kid was sent to the office immidiately, threatened by possible charges on him.

The teacher stepped out to make sure he wasn't going to run away, and while the class was left alone, Bob's friends high five'd him.

Bob however, wasn't all too proud of what he had done. He somewhat regretted what he did. But he wasn't going to take the blame for it, it would make him look weak and cowardly.

He potentially ruined a innocent persons life, just for his popularity. He didn't like the idea of it, but Bob always thought that it was either he was accepted, or hated.

That's not my idea of cool, really. I don't really believe in cool anyway
However, I tried to point out the blurred line between being "cool" and accepted, and being a straight up ass hole, and feared.

Even though the main character seemed to have been accepted by everyone, they actually feared him, since he was willing to do almost anything in order to feel liked.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23

Although this homework is supposed to explore cool, I am not too sure that is as simple.

Firstly, I wonder about the definition of cool, and what does it actually mean. And more importantly, is there even such thing as being cool, with all the conflicting definitions for it.

For example, some kid could be wearing the new style, and some other kid somewhere else could be wearing a punk rocker outfit, and they would both be considered losers and cool, depending on their location. This is one of many conflicting ideas of being cool.

I feel that being cool is more of a strongly opinionated, and really over rated concept for being accepted.

Personally, I don't think I'm "cool". Actually, I know I'm not. However, some of my friends do think that I am. Honestly, I couldn't care less whether they think if I'm cool or not. I'm happy being able to know who I really am, instead of having to change in order to please other people, and get the cool title, which to begin with, makes no sense.

There are many kinds of "cool". There are too many to make cool an actual style and concept. Like I mentioned above, its just an over rated, strongly opinionated title.

I feel that people get the words "cool", "accepted", and "popular" really mixed up.

I feel the "cool" people are actually just accepted, but their not cool. Cool has to definite shape or meaning. No one can really be cool. They can also be popular. A lot of people know them, and they like to hang around the popular person. But it definitely isn't coolness that makes up most people. They just have a confused image of coolness, popularity, and acceptiveness.

That is my opinion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My art project

My art project is coming soon!

I am undergoing some technical difficulties on the editing part of my video.